There's a blog called Every Day Carry, better known as 'EDC', to which people submit photos of the items they carry with them everyday, in their pockets, purses or man-bags. For being a relatively simple concept, it's surprisingly engaging, and often just plain surprising. Apparently a lot of people carry guns! Who knew?
So my own carry is probably not going to be very exciting (I don't carry a knife, a gun, a cool tactical light, or even a multitool), but it is a little telling. I included the contents of my bag, as otherwise this would be really short. In fine EDC tradition, I'll start in the lower right hand corner.
1. Wallet, lip balm & keys
2. iPhone 3GS
3. Macbook (circa 2006)
4. Legal pad (for sketching out notes, scratch paper)
5. Moleskeine journal
6. Casio fx115ms calculator
7. Moleskeine notepad
8. Pilot G2 pen
9. Apple headphones
10. Saddleback Leather briefcase
11. Nalgene water bottle (not pictured)
12. Two gigabyte thumbdrive (also not pictured)
The telling part is my inclusion of the notepad and calculator, which to my mind scream 'engineer'. I must always have the means of performing long calculations at hand! Also, the briefcase was a present I got for myself a year or so ago from Saddleback Leather, a purveyor of fine leather goods. One of the main appeals of the bag was that it looked awesome, and came with a one hundred year warranty, which seemed to be a good deal to my mind. Some friends rib me about my 'Indiana Jones' bag, but since Indiana Jones is awesome, I failed to see it as a jibe.
Anyhoo, this will change with time, as my routine is about to undergo a major change, but covering every eventuality of what I'm gonna bring to school/life on a given day would be pretty pedantic and really boring! So this will have to be sufficient insight for now. Cheers!