Friday, December 31, 2010

Winter Fun!

Greetings from Santa Fe! My snowman and I are happy to see you!

For reference, I know it's a crappy snowman. It was pretty lousy packing snow, so I did the best I could. Anyway, while I've been out here, I indulged in a bit of a culinary experiment with a Russian winter drink called sbiten. Following the recipe listed there, I assembled all the necessary ingredients. While there is an option to make a non-alcoholic version of it, that just seemed silly to me, so I actually got a decent bottle of wine to throw into it.

It calls for a bottle of wine, ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, honey and blackberry jam. After putting the wine on to boil, I started getting the ginger and nutmeg ready, and I may have put in slightly more than the recipe required, but I figured subtlety could wait until my second batch.

After the wine was up to a good boil, I threw in all the ingredients, including a whole jar of blackberry jam, which may be a bit of overkill, but I was following the recipe. So, I let it simmer for a while, stirring occasionally.

And then it was time to serve it! At which point, several problems became apparent. One, I should have put the cloves in a tea-ball or some manner of spice-bag, as I kept picking them out of my teeth. Secondly, it was THICK. I mean, it was less a drink than it was a flavorful, alcoholic porridge. On the plus side, it tasted great. Sweet from the honey and jam, with all the appropriate kicks from the nutmeg, ginger and cloves. Almost a bit overwhelming, actually, so I may scale back next time. I will also definitely scale back on the jam, perhaps using half a jar next time, in addition to a larger portion of wine, as I wound up making approximately 5 mugs worth of it. Still, I killed my portion, as I did rather enjoy it.

In any case, happy New Years! Here's to more adventures in 2011, and more regular blogging as well!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Moo Cow Milk Stout

Several months ago, I noticed that my brewing crew, formally known as the Beat Attack Brew Shack, had not brewed anything in ages. Usually one of the other members would whip up a recipe and we'd all get together and brew it up, but since we'd run plumb out of ideas and enthusiasm, I opted to create a recipe of my own. Ever since I had Mackeson's Milk Stout, I'd always wanted to try my hand at a similar beer, as it's quite delicious. So I reviewed a number of recipes and cobbled together my own, as follows:

6.5 lb Two Row Pale Malt
1 lb of Crystal 20L Malt
0.25 lb Flaked Barley
0.75 lb Flaked Oat
1.5 lb Roasted Barley
1 lb Victory Malt
With hop additions of Cascade and Goldings hops at 30 minutes and 45 minutes into the boil, respectively. I also threw in 8 ounces of lactose during bottling, hence making it a milk stout.

It's turned out rather well. There's a bit of chocolate and coffee in the flavor, and while it's not super smooth, the lactose gives it a great deal of body. The hops aren't very pronounced, but I didn't want them to be. In any case, I'm certainly happy with how it turned out, and will definitely be brewing this again.